
Apple announces iOS 17 update, release date in shadow of iPhone ‘Wonderlust’ event

Apple announces iOS 17 update the upcoming release of iOS 17, scheduled to launch on September 18, coinciding with their much-anticipated “Wonderlust” event. This new operating system will bring a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to a range of iPhones, including the recently unveiled iPhone 15.

Apple announces iOS 17 update
Apple announces iOS 17 update, release date in shadow of iPhone 'Wonderlust' event 5

Apple announces iOS 17 update जब दुनिया बुधवार को Apple की “Wonderlust” इवेंट पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर रही थी, तो सिलिकॉन वैली कंपनी ने कंपनी के अपडेटेड ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम के रिलीज़ डेट की घोषणा की।

Apple announces iOS 17 update 18 सितंबर को रिलीज़ होने की योजना बनाई गई है और यह नए फीचर्स को लेकर आ रहा है जैसे कि iPhone 15 के साथ कई फोन्स पर।

इस अपडेट में फोन, मैसेजिंग और ऐप्स समेत iPhone के फ़ंक्शन्स को कवर किया गया है।

और iOS 17 आईफोन और एयरपॉड्स प्रो दोनों में नए फीचर्स और मोड को भी पेश करेगा।

Key Features of iOS 17: Apple announces iOS 17 update

Apple announces iOS 17 update
Apple announces iOS 17 update, release date in shadow of iPhone 'Wonderlust' event 6

  1. Standby Mode while Charging: iOS 17 will introduce a convenient feature allowing iPhone users to place their phones into standby mode while they are charging on their sides. In this mode, the phone can serve as a clock, display photos, or operate widgets, enhancing the user experience during charging.
  2. Live Voicemail Screening: With the introduction of live voicemail screening, users can now read a real-time transcript of a voicemail message and make an informed decision on whether to answer the call or not.
  3. FaceTime Projection to AppleTV: iOS 17 expands the capabilities of FaceTime by enabling users to project their calls to an AppleTV device. While the iPhone or iPad serves as the outgoing camera, the incoming video will be displayed on the larger AppleTV screen, enhancing the FaceTime experience.
  4. NameDrop Feature: Building upon the popular AirDrop feature, iOS 17 introduces NameDrop, allowing iPhone users to easily exchange contact information by simply bringing their phones close to each other, streamlining the process of sharing contact details.

Improvements in iPhones with iOS 17: Apple announces iOS 17 update

  1. Video Messages in FaceTime: FaceTime users will now have the ability to leave video messages if the recipient does not answer the call. These messages will offer a range of video effects, similar to those available during a live FaceTime call. Additionally, users can configure iOS 17 to automatically silence FaceTime calls from non-contacts, enhancing call management.
  2. Enhanced Phone App: For those using their iPhones primarily as phones, the iOS 17 update includes new visual enhancements to alert users to incoming calls from contacts. This will make it even easier to identify important calls.
  3. Improved Autocorrect and Predictive Text: iOS 17 will bring improvements to the Autocorrect and predictive text features, enhancing the overall typing experience on iPhones.

Improvements in AirPods with iOS 17: Apple announces iOS 17 update

Apple announces iOS 17 update
Apple announces iOS 17 update, release date in shadow of iPhone 'Wonderlust' event 7

  1. Adaptive Audio: The iOS 17 update introduces Adaptive Audio to AirPods Pro. This feature will automatically adjust the volume of media playback and noise cancellation settings to match the user’s surroundings, ensuring an optimal audio experience.
  2. Conversation Awareness: iOS 17 includes a Conversation Awareness mode for AirPods, which will intelligently adjust the volume of ongoing audio and amplify the voices of people in front of the user. This feature enhances situational awareness while using AirPods.
  3. Enhanced Control: With iOS 17, users will gain more control over their AirPods. They can now easily mute the microphone, adjust media playback, or end a call directly from the AirPods, providing a seamless and convenient user experience.

In summary, iOS 17 promises to bring a host of exciting new features and improvements to both iPhones and AirPods, enhancing functionality, usability, and overall user satisfaction. Apple announces iOS 17 update These updates demonstrate Apple’s commitment to continuously improving their products and user experience.

संक्षेप में, iOS 17 का वादा है कि यह आईफोन और एयरपॉड्स दोनों में बेहद रोमांचक नए फीचर्स और सुधार लाने का, कार्यक्षमता, उपयोगकर्ता सुविधा, और कुल उपयोगकर्ता संतोष को बढ़ावा देने का। ये अपडेट्स दिखाती हैं कि Apple अपने उत्पादों और उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव को निरंतर सुधारने के लिए अपनी प्रतिबद्धता को प्रकट कर रही है।

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